Mr. Chill & Mr. Fluffy T-shirts

We sell T-shirts with a message, a mission, a philosophy!<br>
T-shirts with a Mr. Chill & Mr. Fluffy International Charity Program! <br><br>

Our mission is to spread love to everyone, everywhere by designing and offering a collection of awesome t-shirts with nice designs and/or slogans to help you express yourself.

<br><br>This in-house designed T-shirts are based on life experiences and thoughts of Mr. Chill & Mr. Fluffy. The designer and Co-founder is Dado Garcia, alias Mr. Chill. <br>
By adopting one or more of the Mr. Chill & Mr. Fluffy's T-shirts, you become a brother or a sister of our community. We call it the 'Brotherhood of Universal Love'. <br><br>

<b>That is also what's in it for you!</b><br> Becoming part of a positive community, sharing smiles and beliefs and also becoming a star for others around you. Yes you can!
We believe our T-shirts will change people's lives by bringing them together and by radiating love to everyone.<br><br>
During the whole year everyone can use the exclusive high discount of 25% for the whole year!. Only through this 'Dag van de Webshop' channel. The highest discount you can find and get on our T-shirts. During the next days of 'Dag van de Webshop' in 2023, will be the only days that we will offer more discount. <br><br> Use the special discount code DAG-VAN-DE-WEBHSOP-25. The 25% of discount counts on the full chart with no restrictions. <br><br><b>Chill vibes & Fluffy hugs, <br><br>Mr. Chill & Mr. Fluffy</b><br><br> P.s.: Questions? Don't hesitate to visit our website and get in contact with us.





Meer over ons...

Hello Brothers & Sisters!

We are a Belgian-Mexican couple. Even though we were born kilometres and years apart, we believe that the universe brought us together to spread love and positive vibes.
We have been together since 2018. We got married in 2019 and we have always been connected. We love helping people, having a good laugh, a glass of Malbec, beer & pizza. Of course we love Belgian carbonnade and Tacos al pastor too!

We are eternally upbeat and always try to have a positive attitude no matter the challenge… and trust us, we’ve had more curve balls than the average couple. We have, however, never fought or had an argument. We respect and love each other 100%. We are very lucky to have found each other!

Follow our adventures on Insta!

Welcome bros and sis. Thanks for joining us! 👊🏼⭐️💙